What: Residential Tenancy Support Payment
Availability: NSW
Amount: Up to $1,500 per residential tenancy agreement, depending on agreed reduction
- Landlords who reduce rent for COVID-19 impacted tenants from 14 July 2021 and do not require it to be paid back
- Not receiving the 2021 Land tax COVID-19 relief
What: 2021 Land tax COVID-19 relief
Availability: NSW
Amount: Reduction of up to 100% of land tax payable for 2021 land tax year
- Landlords who have commercial or residential tenants who are receiving COVID-19 business grants or support payments
- Landlords who reduce the rent of the affected tenant for any period between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2021
- Have land tax attributable to the parcel of land leased to that tenant
- Not receiving the Residential Tenancy Support Payment
Disclaimer and Warning
The information above is of a general nature only. It should not be used as a source to make financial decisions. It’s also important to note that the legislation and figures related to this topic tend to change regularly and therefore the information above may not reflect the current status. We recommend that if you are looking for advice on this matter, you should contact us.